Where everyone is welcome...NO EXCEPTIONS!
Where everyone is welcome...NO EXCEPTIONS!
UPDATE 04/25/2024
DONATIONS: Accepted any time Town Hall is open to the public.
Note: please do not bring large donations of food on Monday morning or on Friday, the carriages are NOT available due to food distribution on these days. Please bring all donations downstairs to the Board of Health office, there is no longer a drop off bucket outside for food donations. Thank you!
Another helpful way to donate to Lenore's Pantry is by purchasing Gift Cards to Stop-n-Shop in $10, $15, or $20 amounts. Gift Cards can be brought to the Board of Heath office or you make bring them to our Church Office on T & TH btwn 10am - 3pm. Please call first to be sure someone is in the office to receive your donations.
Thank you for your kindness and for thinking of those less fortunate during these times.
Many seniors supplement their fixed incomes by coming to the pantry for food assistance. Families living with food insecurity often need to visit the pantry to supplement their grocery budget. When donations are low, everyone gets less and sometimes the pantry shelves are bare. We can make a difference in the lives of people who live among us by simply picking up one food item (more if you are able) and dropping it off at church on Sundays or bring it to the church office during office hours. Thank you for your continued generosity.
Here are some suggested items...
You may bring your donations to church any Sunday, or bring them to the church office during office hours.
PLEASE...remember to check the expiration dates on all foods you plan to donate. Food Pantries and Soup Kitchens cannot hand out expired foods and the church must throw them away before bringing donations to the Pantry or Kitchens.
Together, we can make a difference.
Thank you for being part of the solution to hunger in our community.